
Showing posts from September, 2018

JavaScript/ Jquery Reference for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Portal (formerly AdxStudio)

//Get value of field from current page var  name  =  $( '#new_name' ).val(); //Find the checkbox value $( '#new_arepartsreplaced' ).is( ":checked" ); //Get value of field from parent page var  WorkOrder  =  $( '#msdyn_name' ,  window .parent. document )[ 0 ].value; //Get record id from url of parent page var  WOId  =   window .parent.location.href.substr( window .parent.location.href.indexOf( "?id" )  +   4 ); //Get Picklist value from parent page var  Status  =  $($( '#new_status' ,  window .parent. document )[ 0 ]).find( "option:selected" ).prop( "value" ); //Disable DateTime Field $( "#msdyn_timetopromised_description" ).parent().find( '.form-control' ).prop( 'disabled' ,  true ); $( "#msdyn_timetopromised" ).parent().find( '.input-group-addon' ).hide(); //Disable Lookup $( "#new_workorder" ).prop( 'disabled'

How to Query Entity in Dynamics CRM Portal - AdxStudio(Using Odata method and Liquid Template Method)

There are bascially 2 ways we can query entity in CRM Customer portal: Method 1: Via Liquid Template Method 2: Via Odata In this blog I am going to show how we can query crm entity using above 2 methods one by one. Mthod 1: Using Liquid Template Follow the below steps for creating code: Step1 : Create a new Web Template where you'll have to add your fetch xml code. [? A Web Template includes the actual coded design on the record itself.  Because of this, the code can be accessed from the UI or even programmatically via SDK or API.] A liquid code contains below tags: Tags – Liquid tags are the programming logic that tells templates what to do. Tags are wrapped in: {% %} characters.   Some tags can take parameters.  Examples: if unless else elsif case and or for cycle tablerow include assign increment. Objects – Liquid objects contain attributes to output dynamic content on the page. For example, the page object contains an attribute called title that can be used to ou
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