WebAPI Query | Dynamics CRM | Error: Property 'field' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.entity' is not a navigation property or complex property
Recently when I was debugging my code I got this error : Property 'field' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.entity' is not a navigation property or complex property'. Basically in my WebAPI query I was requesting data from Survey entity and also I was trying to read related entity(in my case it is Incident) data values so that I don't have to do another query. I have this 'Survey' entity and which has a lookup field called 'Regarding' (Schema name: regardingobjectid) which is a and can be related to any system defined entity. Simply when I used regardingobjectid in my query I got error : "Could not find a property named 'regardingobjectid' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_surveyinvite'." I removed this '$select' part from the url and directly run that and found that there is field called '_regardingobjectid_value' which returned guid of that 'Regarding' lookup field. Now the new erro