jquery.fancybox.pack.js for image zoom on mouseover

/*! Save file as it is with jquery.fancybox.pack.js as file name and attach to youe solution for image zoom effect */

(function(B, x, f, q) {
    var r = f(B), m = f(x), b = f.fancybox = function() { b.open.apply(this, arguments) }, u = null, n = x.createTouch !== q, s = function(a) { return a && a.hasOwnProperty && a instanceof f }, p = function(a) { return a && "string" === f.type(a) }, E = function(a) { return p(a) && 0 < a.indexOf("%") }, k = function(a, d) { var e = parseInt(a, 10) || 0; d && E(a) && (e *= b.getViewport()[d] / 100); return Math.ceil(e) }, v = function(a, b) { return k(a, b) + "px" }; f.extend(b, { version: "2.1.3", defaults: { padding: 15, margin: 20, width: 800, height: 600, minWidth: 100, minHeight: 100,
        maxWidth: 9999, maxHeight: 9999, autoSize: !0, autoHeight: !1, autoWidth: !1, autoResize: !0, autoCenter: !n, fitToView: !0, aspectRatio: !1, topRatio: 0.5, leftRatio: 0.5, scrolling: "auto", wrapCSS: "", arrows: !0, closeBtn: !0, closeClick: !1, nextClick: !1, mouseWheel: !0, autoPlay: !1, playSpeed: 3E3, preload: 3, modal: !1, loop: !0, ajax: { dataType: "html", headers: { "X-fancyBox": !0} }, iframe: { scrolling: "auto", preload: !0 }, swf: { wmode: "transparent", allowfullscreen: "true", allowscriptaccess: "always" }, keys: { next: { 13: "left", 34: "up", 39: "left", 40: "up" },
            prev: { 8: "right", 33: "down", 37: "right", 38: "down" }, close: [27], play: [32], toggle: [70]
        }, direction: { next: "left", prev: "right" }, scrollOutside: !0, index: 0, type: null, href: null, content: null, title: null, tpl: { wrap: '<div class="fancybox-wrap" tabIndex="-1"><div class="fancybox-skin"><div class="fancybox-outer"><div class="fancybox-inner"></div></div></div></div>', image: '<img class="fancybox-image" src="{href}" alt="" />', iframe: '<iframe id="fancybox-frame{rnd}" name="fancybox-frame{rnd}" class="fancybox-iframe" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen' +
(f.browser.msie ? ' allowtransparency="true"' : "") + "></iframe>", error: '<p class="fancybox-error">The requested content cannot be loaded.<br/>Please try again later.</p>', closeBtn: '<a title="Close" class="fancybox-item fancybox-close" href="javascript:;"></a>', next: '<a title="Next" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-next" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>', prev: '<a title="Previous" class="fancybox-nav fancybox-prev" href="javascript:;"><span></span></a>'
        }, openEffect: "fade", openSpeed: 250, openEasing: "swing",
        openOpacity: !0, openMethod: "zoomIn", closeEffect: "fade", closeSpeed: 250, closeEasing: "swing", closeOpacity: !0, closeMethod: "zoomOut", nextEffect: "elastic", nextSpeed: 250, nextEasing: "swing", nextMethod: "changeIn", prevEffect: "elastic", prevSpeed: 250, prevEasing: "swing", prevMethod: "changeOut", helpers: { overlay: !0, title: !0 }, onCancel: f.noop, beforeLoad: f.noop, afterLoad: f.noop, beforeShow: f.noop, afterShow: f.noop, beforeChange: f.noop, beforeClose: f.noop, afterClose: f.noop
    }, group: {}, opts: {}, previous: null, coming: null, current: null,
        isActive: !1, isOpen: !1, isOpened: !1, wrap: null, skin: null, outer: null, inner: null, player: { timer: null, isActive: !1 }, ajaxLoad: null, imgPreload: null, transitions: {}, helpers: {}, open: function(a, d) {
            if (a && (f.isPlainObject(d) || (d = {}), !1 !== b.close(!0))) return f.isArray(a) || (a = s(a) ? f(a).get() : [a]), f.each(a, function(e, c) {
                var j = {}, g, h, i, l, k; "object" === f.type(c) && (c.nodeType && (c = f(c)), s(c) ? (j = { href: c.data("fancybox-href") || c.attr("href"), title: c.data("fancybox-title") || c.attr("title"), isDom: !0, element: c }, f.metadata && f.extend(!0,
j, c.metadata())) : j = c); g = d.href || j.href || (p(c) ? c : null); h = d.title !== q ? d.title : j.title || ""; l = (i = d.content || j.content) ? "html" : d.type || j.type; !l && j.isDom && (l = c.data("fancybox-type"), l || (l = (l = c.prop("class").match(/fancybox\.(\w+)/)) ? l[1] : null)); p(g) && (l || (b.isImage(g) ? l = "image" : b.isSWF(g) ? l = "swf" : "#" === g.charAt(0) ? l = "inline" : p(c) && (l = "html", i = c)), "ajax" === l && (k = g.split(/\s+/, 2), g = k.shift(), k = k.shift())); i || ("inline" === l ? g ? i = f(p(g) ? g.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "") : g) : j.isDom && (i = c) : "html" === l ? i = g : !l && (!g &&
j.isDom) && (l = "inline", i = c)); f.extend(j, { href: g, type: l, content: i, title: h, selector: k }); a[e] = j
            }), b.opts = f.extend(!0, {}, b.defaults, d), d.keys !== q && (b.opts.keys = d.keys ? f.extend({}, b.defaults.keys, d.keys) : !1), b.group = a, b._start(b.opts.index)
        }, cancel: function() {
            var a = b.coming; a && !1 !== b.trigger("onCancel") && (b.hideLoading(), b.ajaxLoad && b.ajaxLoad.abort(), b.ajaxLoad = null, b.imgPreload && (b.imgPreload.onload = b.imgPreload.onerror = null), a.wrap && a.wrap.stop(!0, !0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b.coming = null, b.current ||
        }, close: function(a) { b.cancel(); !1 !== b.trigger("beforeClose") && (b.unbindEvents(), b.isActive && (!b.isOpen || !0 === a ? (f(".fancybox-wrap").stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b._afterZoomOut()) : (b.isOpen = b.isOpened = !1, b.isClosing = !0, f(".fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav").remove(), b.wrap.stop(!0, !0).removeClass("fancybox-opened"), b.transitions[b.current.closeMethod]()))) }, play: function(a) {
            var d = function() { clearTimeout(b.player.timer) }, e = function() {
                d(); b.current && b.player.isActive && (b.player.timer =
setTimeout(b.next, b.current.playSpeed))
            }, c = function() { d(); f("body").unbind(".player"); b.player.isActive = !1; b.trigger("onPlayEnd") }; if (!0 === a || !b.player.isActive && !1 !== a) { if (b.current && (b.current.loop || b.current.index < b.group.length - 1)) b.player.isActive = !0, f("body").bind({ "afterShow.player onUpdate.player": e, "onCancel.player beforeClose.player": c, "beforeLoad.player": d }), e(), b.trigger("onPlayStart") } else c()
        }, next: function(a) { var d = b.current; d && (p(a) || (a = d.direction.next), b.jumpto(d.index + 1, a, "next")) },
        prev: function(a) { var d = b.current; d && (p(a) || (a = d.direction.prev), b.jumpto(d.index - 1, a, "prev")) }, jumpto: function(a, d, e) { var c = b.current; c && (a = k(a), b.direction = d || c.direction[a >= c.index ? "next" : "prev"], b.router = e || "jumpto", c.loop && (0 > a && (a = c.group.length + a % c.group.length), a %= c.group.length), c.group[a] !== q && (b.cancel(), b._start(a))) }, reposition: function(a, d) {
            var e = b.current, c = e ? e.wrap : null, j; c && (j = b._getPosition(d), a && "scroll" === a.type ? (delete j.position, c.stop(!0, !0).animate(j, 200)) : (c.css(j), e.pos = f.extend({},
e.dim, j)))
        }, update: function(a) { var d = a && a.type, e = !d || "orientationchange" === d; e && (clearTimeout(u), u = null); b.isOpen && !u && (u = setTimeout(function() { var c = b.current; c && !b.isClosing && (b.wrap.removeClass("fancybox-tmp"), (e || "load" === d || "resize" === d && c.autoResize) && b._setDimension(), "scroll" === d && c.canShrink || b.reposition(a), b.trigger("onUpdate"), u = null) }, e && !n ? 0 : 300)) }, toggle: function(a) {
            b.isOpen && (b.current.fitToView = "boolean" === f.type(a) ? a : !b.current.fitToView, n && (b.wrap.removeAttr("style").addClass("fancybox-tmp"),
b.trigger("onUpdate")), b.update())
        }, hideLoading: function() { m.unbind(".loading"); f("#fancybox-loading").remove() }, showLoading: function() { var a, d; b.hideLoading(); a = f('<div id="fancybox-loading"><div></div></div>').click(b.cancel).appendTo("body"); m.bind("keydown.loading", function(a) { if (27 === (a.which || a.keyCode)) a.preventDefault(), b.cancel() }); b.defaults.fixed || (d = b.getViewport(), a.css({ position: "absolute", top: 0.5 * d.h + d.y, left: 0.5 * d.w + d.x })) }, getViewport: function() {
            var a = b.current && b.current.locked ||
!1, d = { x: r.scrollLeft(), y: r.scrollTop() }; a ? (d.w = a[0].clientWidth, d.h = a[0].clientHeight) : (d.w = n && B.innerWidth ? B.innerWidth : r.width(), d.h = n && B.innerHeight ? B.innerHeight : r.height()); return d
        }, unbindEvents: function() { b.wrap && s(b.wrap) && b.wrap.unbind(".fb"); m.unbind(".fb"); r.unbind(".fb") }, bindEvents: function() {
            var a = b.current, d; a && (r.bind("orientationchange.fb" + (n ? "" : " resize.fb") + (a.autoCenter && !a.locked ? " scroll.fb" : ""), b.update), (d = a.keys) && m.bind("keydown.fb", function(e) {
                var c = e.which || e.keyCode, j =
e.target || e.srcElement; if (27 === c && b.coming) return !1; !e.ctrlKey && (!e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey && (!j || !j.type && !f(j).is("[contenteditable]"))) && f.each(d, function(d, j) { if (1 < a.group.length && j[c] !== q) return b[d](j[c]), e.preventDefault(), !1; if (-1 < f.inArray(c, j)) return b[d](), e.preventDefault(), !1 })
            }), f.fn.mousewheel && a.mouseWheel && b.wrap.bind("mousewheel.fb", function(d, c, j, g) {
                for (var h = f(d.target || null), i = !1; h.length && !i && !h.is(".fancybox-skin") && !h.is(".fancybox-wrap"); ) i = h[0] && !(h[0].style.overflow &&
"hidden" === h[0].style.overflow) && (h[0].clientWidth && h[0].scrollWidth > h[0].clientWidth || h[0].clientHeight && h[0].scrollHeight > h[0].clientHeight), h = f(h).parent(); if (0 !== c && !i && 1 < b.group.length && !a.canShrink) { if (0 < g || 0 < j) b.prev(0 < g ? "down" : "left"); else if (0 > g || 0 > j) b.next(0 > g ? "up" : "right"); d.preventDefault() }
        }, trigger: function(a, d) {
            var e, c = d || b.coming || b.current; if (c) {
                f.isFunction(c[a]) && (e = c[a].apply(c, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))); if (!1 === e) return !1; c.helpers && f.each(c.helpers, function(d,
e) { e && (b.helpers[d] && f.isFunction(b.helpers[d][a])) && (e = f.extend(!0, {}, b.helpers[d].defaults, e), b.helpers[d][a](e, c)) }); f.event.trigger(a + ".fb")
        }, isImage: function(a) { return p(a) && a.match(/(^data:image\/.*,)|(\.(jp(e|g|eg)|gif|png|bmp|webp)((\?|#).*)?$)/i) }, isSWF: function(a) { return p(a) && a.match(/\.(swf)((\?|#).*)?$/i) }, _start: function(a) {
            var d = {}, e, c, a = k(a); e = b.group[a] || null; if (!e) return !1; d = f.extend(!0, {}, b.opts, e); e = d.margin; c = d.padding; "number" === f.type(e) && (d.margin = [e, e, e, e]); "number" === f.type(c) &&
(d.padding = [c, c, c, c]); d.modal && f.extend(!0, d, { closeBtn: !1, closeClick: !1, nextClick: !1, arrows: !1, mouseWheel: !1, keys: null, helpers: { overlay: { closeClick: !1}} }); d.autoSize && (d.autoWidth = d.autoHeight = !0); "auto" === d.width && (d.autoWidth = !0); "auto" === d.height && (d.autoHeight = !0); d.group = b.group; d.index = a; b.coming = d; if (!1 === b.trigger("beforeLoad")) b.coming = null; else {
                c = d.type; e = d.href; if (!c) return b.coming = null, b.current && b.router && "jumpto" !== b.router ? (b.current.index = a, b[b.router](b.direction)) : !1; b.isActive =
!0; if ("image" === c || "swf" === c) d.autoHeight = d.autoWidth = !1, d.scrolling = "visible"; "image" === c && (d.aspectRatio = !0); "iframe" === c && n && (d.scrolling = "scroll"); d.wrap = f(d.tpl.wrap).addClass("fancybox-" + (n ? "mobile" : "desktop") + " fancybox-type-" + c + " fancybox-tmp " + d.wrapCSS).appendTo(d.parent || "body"); f.extend(d, { skin: f(".fancybox-skin", d.wrap), outer: f(".fancybox-outer", d.wrap), inner: f(".fancybox-inner", d.wrap) }); f.each(["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], function(a, b) { d.skin.css("padding" + b, v(d.padding[a])) }); b.trigger("onReady");
                if ("inline" === c || "html" === c) { if (!d.content || !d.content.length) return b._error("content") } else if (!e) return b._error("href"); "image" === c ? b._loadImage() : "ajax" === c ? b._loadAjax() : "iframe" === c ? b._loadIframe() : b._afterLoad()
        }, _error: function(a) { f.extend(b.coming, { type: "html", autoWidth: !0, autoHeight: !0, minWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, scrolling: "no", hasError: a, content: b.coming.tpl.error }); b._afterLoad() }, _loadImage: function() {
            var a = b.imgPreload = new Image; a.onload = function() {
                this.onload = this.onerror = null; b.coming.width =
this.width; b.coming.height = this.height; b._afterLoad()
            }; a.onerror = function() { this.onload = this.onerror = null; b._error("image") }; a.src = b.coming.href; !0 !== a.complete && b.showLoading()
        }, _loadAjax: function() { var a = b.coming; b.showLoading(); b.ajaxLoad = f.ajax(f.extend({}, a.ajax, { url: a.href, error: function(a, e) { b.coming && "abort" !== e ? b._error("ajax", a) : b.hideLoading() }, success: function(d, e) { "success" === e && (a.content = d, b._afterLoad()) } })) }, _loadIframe: function() {
            var a = b.coming, d = f(a.tpl.iframe.replace(/\{rnd\}/g,
(new Date).getTime())).attr("scrolling", n ? "auto" : a.iframe.scrolling).attr("src", a.href); f(a.wrap).bind("onReset", function() { try { f(this).find("iframe").hide().attr("src", "//about:blank").end().empty() } catch (a) { } }); a.iframe.preload && (b.showLoading(), d.one("load", function() { f(this).data("ready", 1); n || f(this).bind("load.fb", b.update); f(this).parents(".fancybox-wrap").width("100%").removeClass("fancybox-tmp").show(); b._afterLoad() })); a.content = d.appendTo(a.inner); a.iframe.preload || b._afterLoad()
        }, _preloadImages: function() {
            var a =
b.group, d = b.current, e = a.length, c = d.preload ? Math.min(d.preload, e - 1) : 0, f, g; for (g = 1; g <= c; g += 1) f = a[(d.index + g) % e], "image" === f.type && f.href && ((new Image).src = f.href)
        }, _afterLoad: function() {
            var a = b.coming, d = b.current, e, c, j, g, h; b.hideLoading(); if (a && !1 !== b.isActive) if (!1 === b.trigger("afterLoad", a, d)) a.wrap.stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(), b.coming = null; else {
                d && (b.trigger("beforeChange", d), d.wrap.stop(!0).removeClass("fancybox-opened").find(".fancybox-item, .fancybox-nav").remove()); b.unbindEvents();
                e = a.content; c = a.type; j = a.scrolling; f.extend(b, { wrap: a.wrap, skin: a.skin, outer: a.outer, inner: a.inner, current: a, previous: d }); g = a.href; switch (c) {
                    case "inline": case "ajax": case "html": a.selector ? e = f("<div>").html(e).find(a.selector) : s(e) && (e.data("fancybox-placeholder") || e.data("fancybox-placeholder", f('<div class="fancybox-placeholder"></div>').insertAfter(e).hide()), e = e.show().detach(), a.wrap.bind("onReset", function() {
                        f(this).find(e).length && e.hide().replaceAll(e.data("fancybox-placeholder")).data("fancybox-placeholder",
                    })); break; case "image": e = a.tpl.image.replace("{href}", g); break; case "swf": e = '<object id="fancybox-swf" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="movie" value="' + g + '"></param>', h = "", f.each(a.swf, function(a, b) { e += '<param name="' + a + '" value="' + b + '"></param>'; h += " " + a + '="' + b + '"' }), e += '<embed src="' + g + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" height="100%"' + h + "></embed></object>"
                } (!s(e) || !e.parent().is(a.inner)) && a.inner.append(e); b.trigger("beforeShow");
                a.inner.css("overflow", "yes" === j ? "scroll" : "no" === j ? "hidden" : j); b._setDimension(); b.reposition(); b.isOpen = !1; b.coming = null; b.bindEvents(); if (b.isOpened) { if (d.prevMethod) b.transitions[d.prevMethod]() } else f(".fancybox-wrap").not(a.wrap).stop(!0).trigger("onReset").remove(); b.transitions[b.isOpened ? a.nextMethod : a.openMethod](); b._preloadImages()
        }, _setDimension: function() {
            var a = b.getViewport(), d = 0, e = !1, c = !1, e = b.wrap, j = b.skin, g = b.inner, h = b.current, c = h.width, i = h.height, l = h.minWidth, t = h.minHeight, m = h.maxWidth,
n = h.maxHeight, r = h.scrolling, p = h.scrollOutside ? h.scrollbarWidth : 0, w = h.margin, y = k(w[1] + w[3]), q = k(w[0] + w[2]), x, z, s, C, A, F, B, D, u; e.add(j).add(g).width("auto").height("auto").removeClass("fancybox-tmp"); w = k(j.outerWidth(!0) - j.width()); x = k(j.outerHeight(!0) - j.height()); z = y + w; s = q + x; C = E(c) ? (a.w - z) * k(c) / 100 : c; A = E(i) ? (a.h - s) * k(i) / 100 : i; if ("iframe" === h.type) {
                if (u = h.content, h.autoHeight && 1 === u.data("ready")) try {
                    u[0].contentWindow.document.location && (g.width(C).height(9999), F = u.contents().find("body"), p && F.css("overflow-x",
"hidden"), A = F.height())
                } catch (G) { }
            } else if (h.autoWidth || h.autoHeight) g.addClass("fancybox-tmp"), h.autoWidth || g.width(C), h.autoHeight || g.height(A), h.autoWidth && (C = g.width()), h.autoHeight && (A = g.height()), g.removeClass("fancybox-tmp"); c = k(C); i = k(A); D = C / A; l = k(E(l) ? k(l, "w") - z : l); m = k(E(m) ? k(m, "w") - z : m); t = k(E(t) ? k(t, "h") - s : t); n = k(E(n) ? k(n, "h") - s : n); F = m; B = n; h.fitToView && (m = Math.min(a.w - z, m), n = Math.min(a.h - s, n)); z = a.w - y; q = a.h - q; h.aspectRatio ? (c > m && (c = m, i = k(c / D)), i > n && (i = n, c = k(i * D)), c < l && (c = l, i = k(c / D)), i < t &&
(i = t, c = k(i * D))) : (c = Math.max(l, Math.min(c, m)), h.autoHeight && "iframe" !== h.type && (g.width(c), i = g.height()), i = Math.max(t, Math.min(i, n))); if (h.fitToView) if (g.width(c).height(i), e.width(c + w), a = e.width(), y = e.height(), h.aspectRatio) for (; (a > z || y > q) && (c > l && i > t) && !(19 < d++); ) i = Math.max(t, Math.min(n, i - 10)), c = k(i * D), c < l && (c = l, i = k(c / D)), c > m && (c = m, i = k(c / D)), g.width(c).height(i), e.width(c + w), a = e.width(), y = e.height(); else c = Math.max(l, Math.min(c, c - (a - z))), i = Math.max(t, Math.min(i, i - (y - q))); p && ("auto" === r && i < A && c + w +
p < z) && (c += p); g.width(c).height(i); e.width(c + w); a = e.width(); y = e.height(); e = (a > z || y > q) && c > l && i > t; c = h.aspectRatio ? c < F && i < B && c < C && i < A : (c < F || i < B) && (c < C || i < A); f.extend(h, { dim: { width: v(a), height: v(y) }, origWidth: C, origHeight: A, canShrink: e, canExpand: c, wPadding: w, hPadding: x, wrapSpace: y - j.outerHeight(!0), skinSpace: j.height() - i }); !u && (h.autoHeight && i > t && i < n && !c) && g.height("auto")
        }, _getPosition: function(a) {
            var d = b.current, e = b.getViewport(), c = d.margin, f = b.wrap.width() + c[1] + c[3], g = b.wrap.height() + c[0] + c[2], c = { position: "absolute",
                top: c[0], left: c[3]
            }; d.autoCenter && d.fixed && !a && g <= e.h && f <= e.w ? c.position = "fixed" : d.locked || (c.top += e.y, c.left += e.x); c.top = v(Math.max(c.top, c.top + (e.h - g) * d.topRatio)); c.left = v(Math.max(c.left, c.left + (e.w - f) * d.leftRatio)); return c
        }, _afterZoomIn: function() {
            var a = b.current; a && (b.isOpen = b.isOpened = !0, b.wrap.css("overflow", "visible").addClass("fancybox-opened"), b.update(), (a.closeClick || a.nextClick && 1 < b.group.length) && b.inner.css("cursor", "pointer").bind("click.fb", function(d) {
                !f(d.target).is("a") && !f(d.target).parent().is("a") &&
(d.preventDefault(), b[a.closeClick ? "close" : "next"]())
            }), a.closeBtn && f(a.tpl.closeBtn).appendTo(b.skin).bind(n ? "touchstart.fb" : "click.fb", function(a) { a.preventDefault(); b.close() }), a.arrows && 1 < b.group.length && ((a.loop || 0 < a.index) && f(a.tpl.prev).appendTo(b.outer).bind("click.fb", b.prev), (a.loop || a.index < b.group.length - 1) && f(a.tpl.next).appendTo(b.outer).bind("click.fb", b.next)), b.trigger("afterShow"), !a.loop && a.index === a.group.length - 1 ? b.play(!1) : b.opts.autoPlay && !b.player.isActive && (b.opts.autoPlay =
!1, b.play()))
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e.is("img") && (f = e.outerWidth(), g = e.outerHeight())) : (c.top = l.y + (l.h - g) * a.topRatio, c.left = l.x + (l.w - f) * a.leftRatio); if ("fixed" === b.wrap.css("position") || a.locked) c.top -= l.y, c.left -= l.x; return c = { top: v(c.top - h * a.topRatio), left: v(c.left - i * a.leftRatio), width: v(f + i), height: v(g + h)}
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f ? c : c - g * e)), b.inner[f](k("width" === f ? c : c - g * e - h * e))
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(c.opacity = 0.1)); b.wrap.animate(c, { duration: "none" === d ? 0 : a.closeSpeed, easing: a.closeEasing, step: e ? this.step : null, complete: b._afterZoomOut })
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    }, changeOut: function() { var a = b.previous, d = a.prevEffect, e = { opacity: 0.1 }, c = b.direction; "elastic" === d && (e["down" === c || "up" === c ? "top" : "left"] = ("up" === c || "left" === c ? "-" : "+") + "=200px"); a.wrap.animate(e, { duration: "none" === d ? 0 : a.prevSpeed, easing: a.prevEasing, complete: function() { f(this).trigger("onReset").remove() } }) }
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        var d = this, a = f.extend({}, this.defaults, a); this.overlay ? this.overlay.unbind(".overlay").width("auto").height("auto") : this.create(a); this.fixed || (r.bind("resize.overlay", f.proxy(this.update, this)), this.update()); a.closeClick && this.overlay.bind("click.overlay", function(a) {
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(b.isActive ? b.close() : d.close())
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            b.locked && (this.el.addClass("fancybox-lock"), !1 !== this.margin && f("body").css("margin-right", k(this.margin) +
b.scrollbarWidth)); this.open(a)
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b.wrap; break; case "over": c = b.inner; break; default: c = b.skin, d.appendTo("body"), f.browser.msie && d.width(d.width()), d.wrapInner('<span class="child"></span>'), b.current.margin[2] += Math.abs(k(d.css("margin-bottom")))
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k = h.get(0)[j]), k && ("" !== k && "nofollow" !== k) && (h = c.length ? f(c) : e, h = h.filter("[" + j + '="' + k + '"]'), i = h.index(this)), a.index = i, !1 !== b.open(h, a) && g.preventDefault())
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b = a.children(), b = b.innerWidth() - b.height(99).innerWidth(); a.remove(); return b
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